
Where never is heard a discouraging word ...

The Old West. Remember the song Home, Home on the Range?

I'm not so sure there really were no discouraging words, but that was the spirit of the time.
No boundaries. Freedom. Adventure. New Life.

The song is the State Song of Kansas
because that is where it was originally penned.

The United States was founded by many leaving tyrannical lands in search of freedom.
We are a nation birthed by people who left home
searching for a better place.

And they continued to move. West. Westward ho!

That spirit still lives. The thirst for adventure and freedom.

And that is what I write about. Stories set in the American West, yearning for freedom,
a fresh start, or wide-open spaces.

It is my heart, and if it is yours, I think you'll enjoy this site.
Welcome, stretch out, and look at the bright, blue skies.
I have stories to tell.